Monday 11 May 2015

They Had Been To A Far Away Place

I was so excited to see Daddy and Puppynap last night when they got home that I tired myself out and it wasn't until this morning that they sat me down to tell me where they had been.

They had been to a place far away, they had to go into the clouds to get there.

Wow, into the clouds! I would love that and one day Daddy said I was going to go into the clouds too but we would be all together and I would get to see the world from a high up place, but there was no need to worry it would all be OK.

Puppynap showed me some pictures, people live in windows in this place that must be handy for making friends

and there are some very exotic looking flowers.

And water comes out of the ground in spurts. I bet that would be fun to run through!

And then they met a lady who lived in a window and she had a light in her hand. she must be the lady that shows everyone where to go.

Into a strange and mysterious world if the pictures are anything to go by!

Puppynap said it was very clean there, a man goes around washing the floor every day, he must be very tired, all that washing, it exhausted me just cleaning David's face.

In this place there are a lot of birds, the owls are in a band playing music. I think I would like to go and see that band, Daddy said one day we would live there and then I could see these amazing things everyday!

But I need to learn how to swim because there is water everywhere and I might fall in...

...but if I do either Daddy or Puppynap would rescue me and if they weren't around the superhero who walks the streets would jump in to save me.

In this place they place music in the streets, there seems to be a lot of music type stuff going on in this land. 

So much so it makes people go crazy and put bags on their heads when they need a little sleep.

More music, from the dwarves!

And dancing strawberries.

At night Puppynap said this place turns into a magical wonderland. 

And everyone comes out to play.

I can't wait to visit, it seems beautiful. When we going? when we going?