Friday 26 July 2024

All Snug Under The Blanket

 This is lovely, cuddled up with Puppynap all snug under the blanket listening to daddy do gardenin things!

Thursday 25 July 2024

They Need Entertaining…

 Daddy has gone out to see  some friends and Puppynap is on the bath so I’m using the time to have a rest.

I’m going to need my energy for when they are both back down the stairs. They need entertaining and it’s my job to make sure that happens!

Wednesday 24 July 2024

I’m All Happy Now

 I’m all happy now.

I didn’t want Puppynap or daddy to be working up the stairs today I wanted them to come down and play with me.

So o spent the day barking and spinning around on the floor to get their attention.

I’m all happy now they’ve stopped work and come down the stairs. I can have a little sleep now I’ve got my own way!