Thursday 30 May 2024

Is That Biscuit I See

 Is that biscuit I see?

It is!

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Don’t Forget My Face And Behind My Ears!

 That’s better, cooked me down lovely. Now don’t forget my face and behind my ears!

Tuesday 28 May 2024

It Worked! - Dinner In Bed

 It worked. All I need to do was sit here and look a bit sad.

And Puppynap is hand feeding me my dinner. Dinner in bed, brilliant!

Sunday 26 May 2024

Silly Puppynap Has Forgot To Take Off My Pyjamas

 Hooray it’s stopped raining and we can go out in the garden.

Silly Puppynap has forgot to take off my pyjamas!

Friday 24 May 2024

Thursday 23 May 2024

You Can Join Me If You Like

 Yes thank you, I’m very comfortable. You can join me if you like, there’s room!

Wednesday 22 May 2024

I Think This Is Going To Work, Looking Sad!

 I know I’ve been out for a walk today but Puppynap is off work with his eye and I want to go out again, the suns back out.

I think this is going to work, looking sad!

Sunday 19 May 2024

I Got Up Here All By Myself

 I got up here all by myself. I saw David do it so I copied him.

No more waiting to be picked up although if they are around I will still let them know I want a lift up!

Ooh What’s That?

 Ooh what’s that?

It’s moving around on its own!

It’s gone under the sofa now.

What is it?

Friday 17 May 2024

I Can See Why He Likes It So Much

 Now the lay the suns gone away I’m sitting in daddies new chair to keep it warm for him.

It’s very cosy I can see why he likes it so much.

I think it will be my favourite now as well!

I Won’t!

 It’s very hot out today but as much as daddy and Puppynap say to come in the shade I won’t!

Thursday 16 May 2024

They’re Doing Well, My Jobs Done!

 I’ve been looking after Puppynap and daddy all day.

They’re doing well, my jobs done!

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Puppynap Had To Have An Operation

 Puppynap and daddy went out today and left me and David to look after each other.

Puppynap had to have an operation.

I waited in his space so that I could send love through the airwaves to him.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Sunday 12 May 2024

Over Here Would Be Good For Me

 It’s so hot out here today.

I think it’s time for a drink.

Over here would be good for me!

Saturday 11 May 2024

One Out Of Two…

 We made a deal that if I was allowed in the garden I had to be in the shade on the rug.

One out of two isn’t bad!

Friday 10 May 2024

Never Fails!

 I know Puppynap said I couldn’t go out into the garden because the grass and sun would give me hay fever. But if I stare long enough I’ll wear him down..


Never fails!

Wednesday 8 May 2024

I Can’t Be Bothered…

 This is sooooo lovely up here.

The sun is shining and I just can’t be bothered to move at all!

Monday 6 May 2024

That’s What You Do On Bank Holidays

 It’s been a tiring weekend but it’s lucky both my daddies have the day off work so we can all cuddle up and have a little sleep together!

That’s what you do on bank holidays!

Sunday 5 May 2024

I’ve Had A Great Day In The Garden

 I ve had a great day in the garden.

The sun was out so I was out with Puppynap…

… and I was allowed to explore wherever I wanted.

I really needed to have a think where I wanted to go if I could go anywhere.

I know where!

Deep into the bluebells

Where can I go next?

I know where!

Friday 3 May 2024

Fashions By River!

 I don’t mind if it’s raining it doesn’t stop me from going out in my rain coat.

Fashions by River !

Thursday 2 May 2024

Shush Everyone

 Im really tired now, I’ll just have a sleep!

Shush everyone.

Having A Good Old Chit Chat

 We was up very earlier this morning.

Even before the sun came up. So I decided to go on an early morning walk with Puppynap to hear the birdies wake up.

We’re listening to them now, in the garden, having a good old chit chat!