Saturday 31 May 2014

9 Years Old With A Wonky Leg

I was just having a little look out the window to see if anyone wanted to see my new haircut when a car came up the path and went beep beep.

It was Daddy and Puppynap's friend who had come to see me but there was an extra special surprise for me...

...she had brought her little doggie called Emma to play with me.

BRILLIANT. Come on Emma let's go for an adventure, that's right that's the way to go.

No Emma, not that way, this way!

And then we all had to wait for ages for the men who were working on the train track. I've been on a train you know, you can when you are a big girl!

When we were allowed we went over the other side and over a great big old bridge.... was then when I knew where we were going, I'd been there before a few times.

Phew I was so glad we made it but the time we got there I was very tired and just had to have a lay down to catch my breath.

Puppynap said don't lay down there River come up here...

...and lay on the table!

What a brilliant day it was with my friends and it was lovely to play with Emma, she's a dog you know and is 9 years old with a wonky leg

Two Pretty Ladies

I was just having a little rest when Puppynap said come on River, we can't see your eyes it's time for a River Spa Day.

OK get on with it quick though!

I was a very good girl and got three treats for being extra special good!

Then we had the bath bit. I don't mind it as much as I used to because we play a game now when we're in the bath.

What you do is try not to step away from the rubber disc things.

Come on hurry up this is getting hard to stay still!

The next bit is a blow dry.

Brilliant all dried now and pretty girl, just in time... see the other pretty lady from across the road go out for a party.

Two pretty ladies!

Thursday 29 May 2014

River Moss. I Love These Sort Of Surprises!

I was just having a little rest when Daddy said come on River, you coming with us to get a surprise!

Yes I was! I love surprises!

We went in the car for a little bit and I was allowed to put my head out of the window and then all of a sudden we were there. They'd taken me to visit a new lamp post, BRILLIANT!

I love these sort of surprises!

Oh what's over there? What's all those things?



BRILLIANT Daddy got me my own bike!


I'll Pull His Tail

Well don't just sit there play with my doggie with me please!

Here you go, you pull that end and I'll pull his tail!

That's it Puppynap, you've got it!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Tuesday 27 May 2014

River Honey

I was just sitting with Daddy and Puppynap wondering what we were going to do today...

...when the door went ding dong and there was some people and another little doggie come to see me!

Hello little doggie. Let's cuddle!

Hello let me show you around.

Hello! What's your name?

Hello Honey. x

This is Nadia, she's my sister and she's a tortoise!

Wanna come play?

You coming Daddy?

Let's play hide and seek. You go hide and I'll find you.

OK let's play tag!

We had a brilliant time lady woman can Honey come and play with me again soon please!

Monday 26 May 2014

The Rain's Woken Me Up!

Come on Daddy that rains woken me up play rugby with me!

You fooled me!


Stop it, stop tickling me under my chin with your toes.


Stop it!

It Doesn't Always Matter If It's Raining

It doesn't always matter if it's raining because if you are clever and quiet you can get out the cat flap out into the back garden before Daddy even notices and then surprise him by coming in an letting him know by shaking all over him.

Sunday 25 May 2014

A Surprise For Later In The Week

I was just sitting wondering what I was going to do today when I heard a toot, toot from outside, wow there was a visitor come to see me, it was...

...the Elf! 

Brilliant Elf and Husband Elf come and play with these things with me.

And then Daddy put his sock on which means...

...he's getting ready to go out. Brilliant am I coming? Am I coming? What do you mean I've got to stay here with The Elf, if I can't come you're not going, now give me that sock!

It didn't work, Daddy and Puppynap and Husband Elf all went out in the car and was gone a very long time!

But it was OK when they came back they said they had a surprise for later on in the week and we all had fish and chips and chicken and peas and a pepper shaped like a heart for dinner.

After dinner is always the time for me to play, I can feel it running through my veins, Come on Elf get ready!

And run around the garden with me and my pink ball. Run! RUN!

When we came in we needed to have a little treat. They all had Ice Cream and I had goats milk! Umm!


And I got it all over my chin!