Even though daddy and Puppynap are on holiday this week I still got up early.
They might be on holiday but I still need my walk at the same time. That doesn’t change.
Or my after walk sleep either!
Even though daddy and Puppynap are on holiday this week I still got up early.
They might be on holiday but I still need my walk at the same time. That doesn’t change.
Or my after walk sleep either!
Puppynap and daddy went out today and left me at home with David.
They wasn’t gone all day but that doesn’t mean I don’t do all day guilts face to get what I want!
The people might be doing banging things outside, but that doesn’t bother me.
Not when I’m all snuggled up in my pyjamas next to Puppynap!
One of the best things to do on a Sunday afternoon while daddy and Puppynap watch tv, is just to have a snooze in my bed.
It’s close enough to them so that I can keep an eye on them, but not right on them so I can get some rest when they get up and down.
I’m very tired today. I think it was because I was up early.
I really wanted get out for a walk and tried to wake up daddy but it didn’t work.
So I woke up puppynap instead. He did his best to get me to settle back down. But that didn’t work!
Daddy and Puppynap have been speaking to the doctors about me and when they got off the phone they gave me a great big cuddle.
They said that my test results have come back and although accurate in 80% of cases I’m not showing as having the most aggressive form of cancer.
They are going to do the tests again in a month to check. My seeing is better and I’m not trying to do wee s but nothing to it blood comes out. Today I even jumped up a kerb again.
They are really happy as there’s even a small chance it’s something called benign.
I don’t really understand it all but as long as they are happy that’s a good thing.
Now I think I deserve another treat please, wake me up when it’s here!
Puppynap and daddy both say my eyes are really bright tosay
Yes they are I’m feeling better my wee wee is even back to normal. These pills are amazing.
Now give me another treat please!
Daddy and Puppynap are very happy with how the pills and stuff I’m on is helping me.
I know I don’t look it at the moment but I’m full of energy most of the time, well apart from my usual sleepy times.
I have half a very special tablet each day and Puppynap sprinkles some other tablet stuff on my dinner at night.
The bleeding when I go to wee is getting less each time and I’m not trying to go to the wee as much.
We’re all very happy with how things are going, especially as it means I’ve got the energy to play with David again whenever I want!
I love this David but would you mind moving a little bit please, feeling a bit hot on my face.
What do you mean my hairs standing on end?
No I won’t come there, it’s my punky look and I like it like that!
Ha ha I fooled Puppynap.
I was just having an afternoon lick when I heard Puppynap calling out for me to stop.
I didn’t and he kept on calling my name. Then he got up took for me calling out my name and looking all confused.
No wonder he couldn’t see me I was sitting under his chair, not something that I do but it was so much fun I think I’m going to do it again just to see him wandering around!
Finally a sunny day and I can just lay and rest.
Puppynap and daddy say it’s important for me to rest at the moment.
At the moment? Always I think!
On cold days like these the best thing to do is…
…spend the afternoon cuddled up with daddy. My favourite thing to do!
Wow look at all this white everywhere, it’s not snow but wow.
I’ve had a lovely day.
I’ve been cuddled up asleep with daddy on the sofa in our favourite position all afternoon.
I then had my second favourite dinner, mashed sweet potato. My favourite is scrambled egg.
Now I’m having a big chest rub with Puppynap.
Wow, that came around quick, spa day today.
I always love going for a spa, not so keen on the haircutting but I get to play with my friends Bloosom, Barney and Humphrey and today there was a new friend to play with.
They’ve got a new brother called Hector.
It was a lot of fun, I couldn’t wait to get in there and we all barked hello to each other when I turned.
We were all so exited and day and Puppynap said i was an even extra beautiful girl today after my spa.
I know, now where my dinner?
Puppynap just looked at me and laughed.
He said “What’s with the pose?”
Dunno what he means I’m just relaxed!
It’s lovely, ever since I’ve come home David won’t leave me alone. We’ve had a good clean of each other and a long chinwag.
David was even waiting for me in the window and has been following me around wherever I go.
He’s such a good friend!
I didn’t know what was happening.
Puppynap took me back to the doctor today for some special scan tests.
I had a little walk around while I was waiting and then went in to see the doctor. I cuddled into puppynap while they talked and then all of a sudden he left me there with a great big kiss.
All the people there gave me a big hello and cuddles and then I went on a special car to another place for the scan.
They had to shave my belly as I needed a scan on my bladder and then needed to do that to be able to see properly.
When it was done they called days and puppynap and had a talk. I didn’t take much notice but then it was time to go back in the special car again and go back my own doctors.
Puppynap was there soon and gave me a massive cuddle although I just wanted to go home for a sleep. I was very tired.
They said that I had a tumor on my bladder and was going to have some more tests and things. I feel fine and it’s a god thing that I’m not losing weight.
The good thing is though I can have extra treats Puppynap said!
Well where are they?
Puppynap said Ive got to go to the Doctors again on Wednesday. Ive had my wee test back and I’ve got to go to have a scan to see if they can see what’s wrong with me.
I feel ok but David is not leaving my side. That’s nice I like a chin wag!
I’m a bit fed up today.
First of all the snow had all gone when I woke up.
Then I had a surprise bath and then it rained all day and I got really wet when we went for our walk tomorrow.
Oh well Puppynap said tomorrow is another day!
Blimey it’s cold today. I thought it had snowed as everything was all white on the ground but it hadn’t. Puppynap said it might tomorrow evening so we need to get nice long walks in while we can.
I’m up for that!
It so cold out today. Puppy so said snow may be coming in a couple of weeks but to me it feels like it could snow anytime.
It doesn’t matter anyway I’m all tucked up warm!