Saturday 13 December 2014

I Jumped On The Reindeer

Daddy and Puppynap got their shoes on and I got all excited thinking that we was going out somewhere together and then Daddy said I had to stay at home this time but that wouldn't be too long.

Oh I wouldn't be any trouble I promise, but they still didn't take me out.

But it was true they wasn't too long and then when they came back in they had a big surprise. 

I've seen this happen before, it's the Christmas Tree. BRILLIANT Christmas is coming.

They then brought all the decorations and balls and things down and said I needed to choose where everything needed to go. 

I was so exicted I'd forgotten David-Shiro was here until I heard him jumping about in some of the decorations.

Then I spotted my favourite on and I jumped on the reindeer, it's been ages since I've seen him.

I can't wait for tonight to see what the tree looks like with all the lights on. I love Christmas!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side