
Sunday 27 November 2016

I Heard Them Talking...

I heard them talking earlier on this morning and I didn't like what I was hearing.

Daddy said to Puppynap maybe they should stop giving me my dentastix teeth chews for a couple of days, all because they saw me scratching my leg a little bit more than normal.

It's not fair it's the only bit of extra flavour I'm getting at the moment since they put me on my special diet. They're eating dinner now and I can smell all the lovely smells coming off their plate and I'm trying to guilt them into giving me some. I think David is trying to do the same he's looking at the plate with such an intensity that I've never seen before.

Look at me, look at my eyes, they are big and sad and longing for the food on your plate.

It's not working!


Cats and Dogs - Another Side