
Tuesday 29 November 2016

4 Years Ago Today - RIVER'S HERE! RIVER'S HERE!

When I woke up I was in for a big surprise. 

4 years ago today I met Daddy and Puppynap for the first ever time. I remember as soon as they came in and saw me and my brothers and sisters they were all excited.

I waited until everyone else had sniffed and explored them and then just sat looking up at Daddy. Yes he was the one I was going to go and live with forever. I flashed him my eyes and tried to send him the instant love I felt for him into his head.

It worked, he was covered in my love. and then we came home. Pinky came with me.

I made the bestest ever deicsion.


*Legs side kick...and click the heals*

Then I spotted David waiting to celebrate with me so I jumped on his back. I was a bit confused as he then ran off but no worries I'll see him later I expect. 

I came in looking for him but didn't see him but I did see Puppynaps legs and he said if I could wait until he finished his work we could go out for an adventure.

I had a little sleep, these things can take a while.

I woke up and it was time for me to get my coat on. I knew what that meant... was time for us to go out on a special day adventure.

In no time we was at my favourite park. Where there's lots of leaves and an enchanted forest and a bit lion.

AND squirrels everywhere...

...can you see him?

I chased after him but didn't catch up with him.

Although I searched for ages and ages.

But I did find lots of leaves to play in.

And I was allowed to go wherever I wanted. It's a big forest so this took a time.

And then...hang on...

...a great big log for me to jump right over. 4 years is a big celebration and I'm stronger than I've ever been and can jump as high as a house.

On the other side was a little bridge...

...and when we went over it everything went really dark.

So we quickly got out of there and into the big open spaces where we went searching for mole...

...and took a look at Stonehendge.

But I could see a lighter bit of the forest so decided... go back in.

Because there was something very important I needed to do.

I needed to say hello to the great big lion that lives there.

Then I saw the car and knew it was time to go.

When we went to the shop I thought Puppynap was getting me a special dinner.

No such luck, they're not breaking my special diet for anything. Bit of luck I managed to pinch a bit of David's breakfast earlier.

I then had a little rest watching out for my Daddy to come home...

...and I got very excited when he did.


Because a celebration wouldn't be a celebration without my Daddy being right here next to me.

AND he's got a lovely bowl of dinner that I can smell even if I can't have any of it. The big eye's don't always work.

But what does work is our family. It works just perfectly and forever!