
Wednesday 24 December 2014

We HAVE To Wait Until Tomorrow

I was just having a little sleep, I seem to be having a lot of those this week, when all of a sudden there was a beep, beep and a car came onto the driveway.

Quick David come look.

It's The Elf and The Husband Elf.

No need to be worried David, they've just come for a visit.

David was a little bit shy to begin with, until he sniffed the Husband Elf's shoes.,,

And investigated The Elf's handbag!

We then both went for a sit on The Husband Elf's lap, he liked it I think I could hear him purring.

Daddy then hung our stockings up by the fireplace for Father Christmas to find then and fill them up later.

No David we HAVE to wait until tomorrow.

Thank goodness it's almost Christmas Day,

*Snore, snore*

Cats and Dogs - Another Side