
Saturday 28 June 2014

The First Time Ever

I was feeling a little bit bored in the garden when I saw Nadia.

Nadia. NADIA. Do you want to play with my pink ball with me? You can have the first go.

But she didn't want to and then Daddy came out and said come on River we're going to take you on an adventure.

Come on hurry up Puppynap, put your foot to the floor I want to get to my adventure.

He did and all of a sudden we was there and I was allowed to hang out the window the whole time it took to get there.

I know where we are Daddy, let me show you the way to go I've been here before with Puppynap.

That's right Daddy you go under the bridge and there's an amazing place on the other side.

Then we got to a hard bit and we all had to walk forward and backwards at the same time, it was like a great big puzzle.

But we made it to the other side. Come on everyone I know where we need to go.

And then the best bit so far happened.

For the first time ever Daddy undid the bit of my reigns that he holds onto and I was allowed to run where ever I wanted. Puppynap kept calling my name but Daddy said it was OK I was being a good girl.

And then we found a great big muddle puddle.

How on earth are we supposed to get around that?

By going right through it, that's how!

Wow it's really beautiful here, and it goes on for ever. On one side there was a great big River and on the other side there was all these beautiful fields.

And then we came across a little River and I was a very clever girl and went straight across the bridge.

And on the other side was a magical place full of great big grass that was even taller than I am. I had great fun running in it.

And then Daddy called me and put my reigns back on because right in front of us was two cows.

For the first time ever I met cows.

Daddy let me go Daddy, Daddy let me go I want to go and play with the cows.

Wow you cows are so big.

Hello I'm River would you like me to give you a great big River kiss?