
Saturday 31 May 2014

9 Years Old With A Wonky Leg

I was just having a little look out the window to see if anyone wanted to see my new haircut when a car came up the path and went beep beep.

It was Daddy and Puppynap's friend who had come to see me but there was an extra special surprise for me...

...she had brought her little doggie called Emma to play with me.

BRILLIANT. Come on Emma let's go for an adventure, that's right that's the way to go.

No Emma, not that way, this way!

And then we all had to wait for ages for the men who were working on the train track. I've been on a train you know, you can when you are a big girl!

When we were allowed we went over the other side and over a great big old bridge.... was then when I knew where we were going, I'd been there before a few times.

Phew I was so glad we made it but the time we got there I was very tired and just had to have a lay down to catch my breath.

Puppynap said don't lay down there River come up here...

...and lay on the table!

What a brilliant day it was with my friends and it was lovely to play with Emma, she's a dog you know and is 9 years old with a wonky leg