
Monday 31 October 2016


I just saw David having a lovely sleep in the sun on the mat on the floor. I thought about leaving him to have his sleep but today is a very important day and I wanted to surprise him.

Happy Halloween David. He looked a bit surprised but I had an even better surprise for him because I remembered today is an extra special day and wanted to play a little trick on him so I pretended to walk away then turned around and jumped on him giving him the biggest cuddle.

Happy 2 years in our family David, you're my bestest ever cat friend.

I then chased him all over the living room just to celebrate.

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Sunday 30 October 2016

But Not Today

Yes! YES! People have come to see me!

It's The Husband Elf...

...and The Elf.

I've been looking forward to them coming as I know when they do I get lots of treats and food things.

But not today. Daddy told them I wasn't allowed because of my diet. I even tried my biggest Disney eyes when they was eating dinner but even that didn't work.

I hope it's over soon I want a bit of flavour.

Oops He's Caught Me

Ha ha! Puppynap left the chair pulled out and now I'm on the table.

David, where's your breakfast bowl?

Oops he's caught me.


Hello Puppynap, love you, love, look at me I'm cute

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Saturday 29 October 2016

He Was Funny

I was all settled down to have a lovely sleep on Puppynap when he said not to get too settled...

...we were off on an adventure to see our brilliant friend.

Through the tunnel.

To see my friend S.

We went for a lovely walk in the park, lots of leaves and hang on...

...yes there is over there...

...other doggies to play with!

And then we went to a pub that was all dressed up with spooky people and spider webs and things and then in the corner...

...I spotted a very little man. He was funny no matter how much I talked to him he didn't say anything back.

It didn't matter though because I was with Daddy and Puppynap and S and lots of little children came over to say hello to me and have a stroke and a chat.

I got a bit excited when all this food turned up it smelt so lovely and I tried to eat some but Puppynap said I wasn't allowed, I'm still in my special diet although in another week I will be allowed to have something else to eat as well.

I can't wait!

Friday 28 October 2016

Leaf Heaven

Can we go outside on an adventure please, it's not raining today?


Ooh all the leaves out here and on the ground...

...all around everywhere.

Ooh some stones too. I love stones, chewing on one when I was little chipped my bottom tooth that Puppynap just loves.

I've just worked out where we're going. We going to see Nanny, I know because we always go down this alley when we are.

Yes the big road is clear we can cross.

Leaves, leaves everywhere.

And all around where Nanny lives too, I'm in leaf heaven.

Thursday 27 October 2016

We're In Agreement

Puppynap says I look so tired this morning that I should stay in bed longer and have a little rest.

I'm glad we're in agreement as I had no intention of getting up just yet, it's just too comfy in here.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

David Doesn't Know What He's Missing

Ummm I love playing toilet roll tear up. The feeling when you rip it up and hear the tearing and the feeling on your teeth is brilliant.

David doesn't know what he's missing.

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Tuesday 25 October 2016

I'm Waiting - I Wonder Who Will Be First?

Puppynap has just asked me what I'm doing sitting all the way up the top of the sofa, looking so forlorn.

I have no idea what forlorn means but I'm waiting for either David to come down the stairs or for Daddy to come in the front door so I can surprise them with lots of kisses and chases.

I wonder who will be first?

It's a race with plenty of kisses for everybody!

Monday 24 October 2016

That Wasn't In The Plan!


Brilliant, come on let's play, you run up there on the sofa and then jump down and run up to the table and then jump down and I'll be following you all the time, doing everything that you are doing and then...



Where you going David?

That wasn't in the plan!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Saturday 22 October 2016

Cheeky! - A Complete Body Coconut Oil Rubdown

Daddy is getting my tangles out. I love it when he brushes me he does it good.

Hang on a second what's going on?

Oh, it's that time is it?

Mind you it's been ages since I've last had one, not since my operations so it's quite a load of my back.



I'm not allowed to get blow dried today, something to do with making sure I don't itch.

I've got a feeling lots of things are going to be changing as they experiment on what's making me more itchy than normal.

But there's treats to!

A complete body coconut oil rubdown.

Oh hello David.

Thank you for my kisses.

Phew after all that I'm feeling rather tired. It's exhausting having a spa day.

But I do love them.

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Friday 21 October 2016

It's Nanny!

Toot, toot!

Who's that?


It's nanny!

A New Diet

There was a knock, knock on the door and Puppynap came in with a great big box.

I wondered what it was because he said it was for me. When he opened it I jumped up and down trying to see, then he brought out a great big bag.

It was what was in the bag that was for me. 

Today, he said, was the day I was going to be starting a new diet to try and help them in finding out if food was making me itch. 

The Doctor recommended it. Oh OK then.

I still got some beef to eat, today he was going to introducing it to me but soon that's all I was going to be eating for a bit.

They look like the little white chocolate drops that Daddy eats. 

Thursday 20 October 2016

I Know I Look Guilty

I know I look guilty but honestly it wasn't me that mucked up the rug. Not this time.

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Tuesday 18 October 2016

I Got A Bit Tangled - It Always Happens!

Daddy is giving me a great big comb, I got a bit tangled.

Then David came for a chit-chat but I was waiting for what was next.

Daddy to finish and me to get my after brush treat. It always happens!

Cats and Dogs - Another Side

Monday 17 October 2016

And Why Couldn't He See It

I was watching Puppynap do things in the front garden and the sun was shinning and I could see things out there that I would like to see closer and I thought I should be out there and why couldn't he see it and get me there?

And then it started to rain very heavily all of a sudden. Ooh I don't like that!